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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Ariel. I found my aunts in September 2017. I was barely 3 months old then, a tiny kitten. I don't know if we noticed how my hind legs are positioned... I haven't walked on these legs since I was six weeks old. I had an accident, I looked into the large dog's bowl while he was eating and the dog got angry. He didn't want to hurt me, he was just protecting the food and if I had been rude, I wouldn't have survived seeing the bowl. He just grabbed me by the back and threw me away, but his tooth broke my spine. For some time, the people I lived with tried to take care of me, but they couldn't do it and that's why I went to live with my aunts. I have been living in a temporary home in Warsaw for five years, with other cats who also have various health problems. I am completely independent, but I need help three times a day. What I like most is eating and lounging on the couch. The fact that I don't move much has nothing to do with my disability, I'm just lazy, I can literally rush to the bowl, for example.

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